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Funny Quotes From Futurama
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LEELA: They planted traditional college foliage: ivy, trees, hemp...


FRY: I betcha Leela's holding out for a nice guy with one eye.
BENDER: That'll take forever. What she oughta do is find a nice guy with two eyes and poke one out.
FRY: Yeah, that'd be a timesaver.


LEELA: Face it, Fry, baseball was as boring as mom and apple pie. That's why they jazzed it up.
FRY: Boring? Baseball wasn't... hmmm, so they finally jazzed it up.


PROFESSOR FARNSWORTH: Good news, everyone.
BENDER: Uh-oh. I don't like the sound of that.


FRY: I learned how to handle delicate social situations from a little show called Three's Company.


LEELA: Bender, we didn't mind your drinking or your kleptomania or your pornography ring.
DR. ZOIDBERG: In fact, that's why we love you.


FRY: Listen, Bender, where's your bathroom?
BENDER: Bath what?
FRY: Bathroom.
BENDER: What room?
FRY: Bathroom.
BENDER: What what?
FRY: Ah, never mind.


LEELA: Oh, my God, we're heading straight into a black hole!
FRY: Talk about a mood killer.
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