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Crossing the river
Three humans, one big monkey and two small monkeys want to cross a river in a boat.

a) Only humans and the big monkey can row the boat.
b) At all times, the number of humans left on either side of the river must be GREATER OR EQUAL to the number of monkeys on THAT side. Otherwise, the humans could find themselves on display in a zoo in the jungle ...
c) No more than two (whether monkey or human) are allowed in the boat at any one time.

How can all the humans and monkeys cross the river using the boat? No monkey or human will swim the river.

The three columns represent the left bank, the boat, and the right bank of the river. The < or > indicates the direction of the boat in each trip. The letter H represents a human, an uppercase M is the big monkey and the lowercase m represents a small monkey.

Bank Boat Right Bank

HHHMmm . .
HHHm Mm> .
HHHm <M m
HHH Mm> m
HHH <M mm
HM HH> mm
HM <Hm Hm
Hm HM> Hm
Hm <Hm HM
mm HH> HM
mm <M HHH
m Mm> HHH
m <M HHHm
Mm> HHHm

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