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Slim, Billy-Bob and Bubba
Three Texans, Slim, Billy-Bob and Bubba died and went to heaven.At the pearly gates, they were met by St. Peter, who explained that although it was late and God had retired for the evening, he had asked Albert Einstein to show them around so they wouldn't get bored before they met God in the morning. After Einstein had introduced himself to Slim, he asked:

"By the way, Slim, what was your IQ when you were alive?""159", said Slim.
"Great!", said Einstein. We'll discuss my general theory of relativity and maybe a little unified field theory as I show you around."
"What an exciting opportunity!", said Slim.

Einstein then introduced himself to Billy-Bob, and when he was done he said:
"Tell me, Billy-Bob - what was your IQ when you were alive?"
"141", said Billy-Bob.
"Good," said Einstein. "If you'd like, we can discuss a little mathematics and philosophy as I point out the heavenly sights."
"Nothing I'd like better!" was Billy-Bob's reply.

After Einstein had introduced himself to Bubba, he asked:
"What was your IQ when you were alive, Bubba?"
"58" said Bubba.

Punching him on the arm, Einstein said:
"Hey, Bubba - How 'bout them Cowboys!"

Source: Unkown

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