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Adam and Eve
Ok this womans husband keeps falling asleep during a church cereomony so,The woman hires an alter boy to poke him with a stick every time he falls asleep. So during the next church ceremony he falls asleep.
Preist "what is the name of the lord!!"
The alter boy pokes the man in the ribs and he wakes up and yells
"Jesus Christ!!"
and later on the same thing happens.
"What is the name of the mother of the lord?"
The man is poked in the ribs and responds with,
"Mary mother of Christ!!"
And at the end of the ceremony when the man falls asleep. the priest says
"What did Eve say to Adam after they had their first child?"
The man is poked again and he yells,
"God dammit if you stick me with that thing one more time, Ill tear it off!"

Source: Unkown

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